This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one …
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: First pose the question: Here are four triangles. What do all of these triangles have in common? What makes them different from the figures that are no...
This parent guide supports parents in helping their child at home with …
This parent guide supports parents in helping their child at home with the 1st Grade Math content. Within the folder you will access Parent Guide PDFs in FIVE Languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Vietnamese to help on-going communication with caregivers.
This resource accompanies our Rethink 1st Grade Math Geometry unit. It includes …
This resource accompanies our Rethink 1st Grade Math Geometry unit. It includes ideas for use, ways to support exceptional children, ways to extend learning, digital resources and tools, tips for supporting English Language Learners and students with visual and hearing impairments. There are also ideas for offline learning.
The purpose of this task is for students to discuss and come …
The purpose of this task is for students to discuss and come to understand what constitute defining attributes for triangles, squares, and rectangles. Students start by looking for attributes shared by all the instances of a particular shape. Some, but not, all of these attributes will be defining attributes.
In this assessment task students will use clay to build three dimensional …
In this assessment task students will use clay to build three dimensional shapes and describe the defining attributes. An assessment task sheet and rubric are provided.
This site is a series of video lectures and interactive exercises for …
This site is a series of video lectures and interactive exercises for teaching basic mathematics skills to first graders. It has separate addition and subtraction skills reviews numbers up to 10, 20, and 100; a section on telling time and reading clocks as well as course material on measurement and geometry.
In this lesson, students find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, …
In this lesson, students find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, and a square as special rectangle, based on defining attributes of sides and corners.
In this lesosn, students find and name three-dimensional shapes including cone and …
In this lesosn, students find and name three-dimensional shapes including cone and rectangular prism, based on defining attributes of faces and points.
Students make a square on a geoboard, draw the square on geoboard …
Students make a square on a geoboard, draw the square on geoboard paper, and cut it out. Then students make a square that is bigger or smaller than their first square, draw it on geoboard paper, and cut it out. Students continue to see how many different sized squares they can make and draw. Lastly, students paste all of their different sized squares onto a sheet of paper in order from smallest to largest.
Students will hunt for shapes described by their defining attributes. They will …
Students will hunt for shapes described by their defining attributes. They will find an example of a different shape and write the defining attributes. They will create a labeled display for the classroom. This lesson was developed by NCDPI as part of the Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project. This lesson plan has been vetted at the state level for standards alignment, AIG focus, and content accuracy.
In this lesson, students find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, …
In this lesson, students find and name two-dimensional shapes including trapezoid, rhombus, and a square as special rectangle, based on defining attributes of sides and corners.
In this lesson, students find and name three-dimensional shapes including cone and …
In this lesson, students find and name three-dimensional shapes including cone and rectangular prism, based on defining attributes of faces and points.
Students will use bots (Sphero Indi or Beebots) to make a shape …
Students will use bots (Sphero Indi or Beebots) to make a shape demonstrating not only their understanding of the attributes of shapes but of the technology required to apply it.
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