Students help Curious George make museum displays by picking the number of items that are neeed to make 10.
- Provider:
- Author:
- PBS Kids
- Date Added:
- 06/24/2019
Students help Curious George make museum displays by picking the number of items that are neeed to make 10.
In this assessment students will play a game with a partner. The game is similar to Go Fish and the object is to make ten with two number cards. Students will be prompted to use their ten frame to help them solve the problem. The cards will need to be prepared, however the directions for playing the game, a rubric, and an assessment checklist are provided.
Students will watch the "Friends of Ten" video and then match the numbers to complete equations.
This parent guide supports parents in helping their child at home with the Kindergarten Math content.Within the folder you will access Parent Guide PDFs in FIVE Languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Vietnamese to help on-going communication with caregivers.
This resource accompanies our Rethink Kindergarten Math Operations & Algebraic Thinking unit. It includes ideas for use, ways to support exceptional children, ways to extend learning, digital resources and tools, tips for supporting English Language Learners and students with visual and hearing impairments. There are also ideas for offline learning.
This unit was created by the Rethink Education Content Development Team. This course is aligned to the NC Standards for Kindergarten Math for Operations in Algebraic Thinking.
In this lesson, students find the number that makes 10 for numbers 1–9, and record each with a 5-group drawing.
In this lesson, students find the number that makes 10 for numbers 1–9, and record each with an addition equation.
In this lesson, students choose tools strategically to model and represent a stick of 10 cubes broken into two parts.
In this Khan Academy interactive, students will find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number.
In this Khan Academy interactive, students will find the number that makes 10 when added to the given number using grids and number bonds.
In this assessment students will use a Ten Frame to complete addition sentences to make ten. They will write the missing number to make ten. A rubric and an assessment task sheet are provided.
In this Khan Academy interactive, students will find the number that makes 5 when added to the given number using grids.
In this highly engaging interactive, students will sharpen their adiition skills while destroying balls by forming number pairs that add up to 10. Students can use one ball to destroy a group of same numbered balls.
For this interactive, students destroy balls by forming pairs that add up to 10.
This document is the About the Cluster document created by the authors of the NC2ML Instructional Frameworks. Read this document prior to teaching the cluster in order to get insight into the clustering of the standards, mathematics to be taught, and important considerations.
This document is not remixable since the document has been written by creators of the NC2ML Instructional Frameworks.
This document is the About the Cluster document created by the authors of the NC2ML Instructional Frameworks. Read this document prior to teaching the cluster in order to get insight into the clustering of the standards, mathematics to be taught, and important considerations.
This document is not remixable since the document has been written by creators of the NC2ML Instructional Frameworks.
In this activity, students will look at the tens frames and decide how many more shapes need to be added to make a full tens frame. Students will then record how many more they needed to add and add it to the text box.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.The goals of this lesson are to a) use objects or drawings to find the number that makes 10 when added to a known number, and b) record answers using drawings or expressions.Remix this lesson to share addtional problems, extension ideas, or student work samples.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.Looking for great teaching resources for Cluster 6? Look no further... This file is packed with suggested videos, books, online games, and fun activities for deepening students' understanding. Have other ideas to share? Remix this resource to add you own addtional resources.