This lesson serves as a review for line, shape, color, and pattern …
This lesson serves as a review for line, shape, color, and pattern for all students. The lesson also reinforces these concepts in english for ESL students. All students participate in speaking, writing and creating activities. Also, students are introduced to the NC Museum of Art through a virtual field trip.
Students will put on their 'detective hats' and use magnifying glasses to …
Students will put on their 'detective hats' and use magnifying glasses to find evidence that supports attributing the paintings in the Molleno Altar Screen to one artist and one piece. They will work in small groups and present a case to share with the entire class. They will also explore what would need to be different for them to prove that the pieces do not belong together.
Students will be able to: describe what an altar screen is; state that Molleno painted the scenes for this particular altar screen; develop and support a theory or hypothesis using details and logic; and share what they think and have learned with other students and the teacher.
This lesson integrates Modern Art and Physical Education by having students act …
This lesson integrates Modern Art and Physical Education by having students act out the movements and emotions depicted within the paintings, The Starry Night, by Vincent Van Gogh, The Scream, by Edvard Munch, and Number 1 (Lavender Mist) by Jackson Pollock. Students will be asked to "become" the shapes, the colors, or the paintbrush, and to explore the possibilities within the selected canvases.
The NC Kids' Exploration Journals are a fun educational tool to help …
The NC Kids' Exploration Journals are a fun educational tool to help youth explore their communities and natural surroundings! Each journal contains: 18 multidisciplinary activities with guided prompts, 6 lined journal pages for recording observations and reflections, and 4 blank pages for individual creativity.
The digital versions of the journal are designed to be printed out for students either as individual activities or in its entirety so that they can explore their school yard, local park, or own backyard. Though designed for 1st - 5th-graders, older audiences may enjoy them too! They are also available in both English and Spanish languages.
While supplies last, hard copies of the journals are currently available for free to teachers by contacting
This free website provides more than 600 adaptable lesson plans written by …
This free website provides more than 600 adaptable lesson plans written by teachers in collaboration with the Denver Art Museum for more than 130 objects from the museums world-class art collection. Lesson plans and resources focus on inspiring students to think and problem-solve creatively. Organized in an easy way so that teachers can pick the topic they would like to explore or enhance, then use works of art to teach that subject.
High resolution images are included. Museum visits are not necessary to implement lesson plans. Includes professional and student development tools such as teacher workshops and webinars, virtual classroom courses, career videos, educator blogs and creativity tools. Easy for teachers in language arts, social studies and visual arts to provide a curriculum rooted in the arts while also meeting 21st Century Skills.
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