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21 Things 4 Students
0.0 stars

21Things4Students is an online resource to help students improve their technology proficiency as they prepare for success in the real world. Teachers value 21Things4Students because it's experiential, relevant, applicable and adaptable. Students say they love this class!

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
REMC Association of Michigan
Provider Set:
REMC Association of Michigan
Date Added:
Are we causing the earth to be so unhealthy that not even we can survive on it?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will 'dig' for fossils in a digital environment, using the advanced graphing techniques of line-of-best-fit and piecewise functions to look for different kinds of trends in the health of the history of the earth. They will apply this information to their knowledge of the laws of superposition and index fossils to form a complete analysis in the historical health as well as to predict where we are going in the future.

Life Science
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Are we consuming more calories than we are putting out? How is our calorie intake affecting obesity and how do you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will be asked to brainstorm ideas and think innovatively both independently and collaboratively in addressing a real-world problem that is relevant to their daily lives and health. Are students aware of their calorie intake and how it affects their overall health? Students will investigate the calories consumed in a typical day and how much physical activity is needed to stay healthy and fit. Students/teams will be encouraged to use the internet for research purposes in their design phase. Students will utilize various online platforms to design an infographic that can be shared with relevant individuals in the community and others in the school building

English Language Arts
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Buoy is it getting warmer?
0.0 stars

This problem-based learning module is designed to master the Ohio Learning standard of Science in Earth and Space Science number 2, Cycles and Patterns of Earth and the Moon. Thermal-energy transfers in the ocean and the atmosphere contribute to the formation of currents, which influence global climate patterns. Students will be exploring the various factors affecting the climate patterns we experience due to thermal energy. Students will work independently as well as with a partner. The final product is expected to be presented to their peers and teachers. This blended module includes teacher-led instruction, student-led stations, real world data analysis and technology integrated investigations.

Life Science
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Can YOU save the Roman Empire?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will use their knowledge of the ancient Roman Empire and will work to analyze critical theories historians agree contributed to the fall of Rome. Students will then work to compare the problems faced by the Romans with problems citizens of the United States still largely face today. Through this investigation, students should recognize how modern technology, government agencies, laws and resources help to solve societal problems that could have once destroyed an empire. With this new understanding, students should work to present a solution to a major problem that plagued the Roman Empire during the years leading up to its collapse.

English Language Arts
Social Studies
World History
Material Type:
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Cluster 2 Family Letters (English & Spanish)
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.

The Family Letters are intended to be sent home at the beginning and middle of Cluster 2. They explain big ideas of the cluster using family-friendly language. Families can also find tips for working with their children at home, digital games, videos, and books. This file contains both English and Spanish versions of the Cluster 2 Family Letters.

Material Type:
Reference Material
Student Guide
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Creating Peaceful Change
0.0 stars

While studying the Articles of Confederation government and the Constitutional Convention in this problem-based learning module, the students will determine the benefits of peacefully changing an inept government. They will deduce the crucial steps needed for peaceful change to happen within a society. An area of research will be chosen to help solve a problem critical to the students' middle school lives. Feedback will be gathered through a video interview or a Google Form survey of crucial stakeholders. Students will research the alternatives to improve upon their selected problem. Students will present their findings to a decision maker and wait to receive feedback.

English Language Arts
Social Studies
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Does your sleep deficit impact your life?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will explore the importance of sleep and the impact sleep has on their lives. During the launch phase students can choose to record sleep data via downloaded apps or in a sleep diary. Days 2 through 4 have students explore the concept and necessity of living organisms need to sleep. On day 2 the participants will take a series of cognitive test for baseline data. Through station rotation and a jigsaw activity learners will become familiar with circadian rhythm and sleeping disorders. Finally, days 5-7 have the students produce a video or infographic to communicate the importance of sleep and its relationship to performance both physically and academically.

English Language Arts
Life Science
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Duck and Cover (1951)
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This film was selected for the 2004 National Film Registry of "culturally, historically and aesthetically significant" motion pictures. It is a famous Civil Defense film for children in which Bert the Turtle shows what to do in case of atomic attack from the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

American History
Civics and Economics
Social Studies
The Cold War
Twentieth Century Civil Liberties/Rights
World Humanities
Material Type:
World News Network
Archer Productions, Inc.
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How can I innovate the future by designing solutions to real issues through the use of technology and creativity?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning unit, the Class will discuss what it means to be empathetic. Then, situations in which empathy is necessary will be role played. Students will then roll 2 dice, one die will determine their audience and the other die will determine the task they are to create a solution to. Sample audience and tasks include creating a tool to access an out of reach object for a child, vision impaired, or person in a wheelchair. Students will hand draw prototypes and then utilize a free online 3D modeling application to design their solutions for sharing.

English Language Arts
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How can classrooms be redesigned to better accommodate technology and student needs?
0.0 stars

Throughout this problem-based learning module students will address real world skills. Students will be asked to brainstorm ideas and think innovatively both independently and collaboratively in addressing a real-world problem that is relevant to their daily lives and surroundings. Students/teams will be encouraged to use the internet for research purposes in their design phase. What components should be included for a modern, updated classroom? Students will utilize various online platforms to design an ideal, modern, 21st century "dream classroom ". Students will incorporate components that would meet the needs of all learners and a classroom that would be able to integrate technology. These classrooms can be shared with relevant individuals in the community and others in the school building.

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How do I Budget my Money?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will research the needs vs wants of a typical family in the US. They will also research the basic bills a typical family pays throughout a month, create a budget plan for a fictional family assigned to each group, and present budgets to authentic audience.

American History
Social Studies
Material Type:
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How do I plan a party for a given amount of guest for under $2,500?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will be given the chance to plan their idea of the perfect party. They are given a budget of $2,500, this is the maximum amount of money they can use. The goal is for students to plan a party that they think people would want to attend and would enjoy being a part of. The students will need to come up with categories of what their party will need (food/drink, decorations, entertainment, location, etc). These will then be the stations students will move at their own pace through to complete the party planning. At each station they will need to identify what they are doing to have/do for the party and how much it will cost. They will then have to figure out the unit cost (cost per person) for that category. The final station should allow for students to find the total cost of their part and total unit cost per person for the party. If the total cost exceeds $2,500 students should make adjustments as needed. Students will then create an advertisement (commercial, flyer, poster etc.) to promote their party as the "PARTY OF THE YEAR! " Students will then present these advertisements to school staff, parents, administrators etc. to vote on the party they would want to throw for their own child. They should take into consideration cost per person, entertainment, and enjoyment of the party.

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Improving Communication of Flood Forecasts
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

When a flood is forecast for the Red River of the North, community leaders, emergency responders, and residents around Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Minnesota, can gauge their need for preparation by accessing visualizations showing the extent, depth, and timing of expected flooding.

Material Type:
Case Study
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Provider Set:
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit
Date Added:
The Invention of the Telephone
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This collection uses primary sources to explore the invention of the telephone. Digital Public Library of America Primary Source Sets are designed to help students develop their critical thinking skills and draw diverse material from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Each set includes an overview, ten to fifteen primary sources, links to related resources, and a teaching guide. These sets were created and reviewed by the teachers on the DPLA's Education Advisory Committee.

American History
Social Studies
Material Type:
Primary Source
Digital Public Library of America
Provider Set:
Primary Source Sets
Franky Abbott
Date Added:
Is genetic diversity important?
0.0 stars

In this problem-based learning module, students will investigate the importance of genetic diversity will be explored by examining several case studies revealing consequences that can occur in individuals within a limited gene pool and how a variety of genes can lead to the survival of a species. Students will be able to create and interpret information from pedigree charts.

Life Science
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Love it or Fix it: How can I design my dream bedroom?
0.0 stars

During this problem-based blended learning module students will be designing their dream bedroom as well as creating a scale drawing of the items they chose to be in their bedroom. The launch activity introduces the students to Scale City, which is a video that explores scale models in the real world. Students are then given dimensions for a fictional bedroom to furnish with items of their choosing. Price is not considered in this module, but a budget could be introduced as an extension of the module. Students will then spend time researching items that they would want to place in their bedroom with the area constraints given. Students will have the opportunity to provide each other peer feedback on their bedroom designs. Once students have a rough idea of their bedroom design, they will spend some time creating a scale drawing of their bedroom on graph paper. This will give students the opportunity to use a scale factor to create a scale drawing. Students will again be provided feedback on their designs and be given time to reflect and redesign as needed. If students need extra time to practice using a scale factor and creating scale models, a station rotation lesson has been included as an optional resource.

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