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  • Technology Engineering and Design Education
Adobe Digital Design 4.00 Vocabulary Crossword
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his Vocabulary Crossword will help student practice the vocabulary terms for Adobe Digital Design 4.0 Apply procedures for Web authoring using Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

Download the html file and incorporate it in your lesson. The list of words and descriptions are

Absolute Div Tag : Allows you to place any page element exactly where you want it
Absolute Link : "Includes the complete URL of the linked document, including the domain"
Alternative Text : Textual descriptions of graphics and other design components on a web page; aids in search engine optimization
Cascading Style Sheets : "(CSS) Program language that separates layout and design features (color scheme, fonts, menu styles, etc.) from the actual content of the website; easiest way to make site-wide design changes; CSS files combine with HTML file to create a complete website; common format of downloadable templates found on the Web"
Class Style : Allows you to set a style to multiple element or tags in a document
CSS Declaration : "Includes a CSS property name and a value, separated by a colon"
CSS Selector : Points to the element which is to be formatted
Div Tag : An HTML tag that defines logical divisions within the content of a web page
Editable Region : "Content users can edit in a document based on that template, enable template authors to control which page elements template users can edit"
External Style Sheets : "The most commonly used way to apply a style sheet where all of the styles and rules are contained in one central, separate text file"
Graphics Optimization : Designing and exporting graphics with the specific purpose of using it on a website; allows for quicker loading times
Hotspot : "Any region on an image map that is clickable, and when clicked, will initiate an action"
HTML Attribute : Additional values that configure the tag or adjust their behavior
HTML Tags : "Denote structured elements like headings, paragraphs, lists:


Hyperlinks : "Clickable connections that link text or images to other pages of the website, out to external websites, or to files posted on a website"
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) : Program language that creates basic framework for all web pages; written using “tags” that a web browser uses to interpret the code and generate the content on the webpage
ID Style : "Allows the user to specify their own selectors called ""id"" and ""class”"
Image Map : A single graphic that is divided into sections and linked to different locations
Internal Style Sheets : "A CSS document embedded into the HTML file, when using internal CSS you must add a new tag,